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In-depth trauma training

Dr. Gabor Maté's Institute:

The wisdom of Trauma A Masterclass for Healers

The Power of Connection

Healing Trauma and Addiction

Brain Development and Addiction


Family Internal Systems by Richard Schwartz, PhD,

Healing Trauma by Peter Levine, PhD, Janina Fisher, PhD and Bessel van Der Kolk, MD

Intensive training on trauma, abuse, assaults, court support, etc.

Refugees and Trauma – understanding and supporting resilience,

De-escalating Potentially Violent Situations

Grief and Loss - Trauma Informed Care


Indigenous Healing

Trauma-Informed Care through an Indigenous Lens

Mentorship in Reconciliation

Indigenous Awareness, enhancing Indigenous awareness

Developing a positive workplace environment by eliminating myths and misconceptions about Indigenous peoples

Extensive, in-depth training on Grief, Missing Indigenous Women and Children, etc.


Counselling credentials

Counselling Adult Survivors of Sexual Violence 

Racialized and Intergenerational Trauma Counselling

Victim Services Support Worker - extensive, continuous training

Enhanced Emergency Sexual Assault Services


Mental Health Wellness and Prevention

Mental Health First Aid

Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST)

Assessing for Suicide in Kids (ASK)

Beyond the Hurt: Preventing Bullying and Harassment

Prevention in Motion: preventing neglect, emotional, physical and sexual violence


Facilitating, Workshops, Presentations

Prevent It! Child Sexual Abuse Awareness

Facilitator "Nobody's Perfect" Parenting Program

Facilitator “Strengthening Families Program” - family skills training program for high-risk and general population families

"When Children Are Exposed to Violence...Making Their World A Safer Place" ​


...and many more!

EXTENSIVE, IN-DEPTH TRAUMA-based TRAINING coupled with a variety of Lived Experiences

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